Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Successful Farming

Look what arrived in the mail the other day!

Look really close, it’s like Where’s Waldo with a bad iphone picture.photo 7

A little closer now….see him?  That’s my husband, right there in the “N!” Right there on the cover of Successful Farming.

photo 4

I should tell you, he’s not there because he is such a successful farmer (but he’s our cover boy!)  Thanks for being such a great provider for our family Justin.  We love you. 

Here’s the background story about how he landed the cover of Successful Farming and his brother landed the spread! 

We use Channel seeds.  We have been long time customers of Channel, dating way back to BEFORE they were called Channel.  They used to be DEF Seeds (back in the good ole days) then they were Crow’s and Midwest and NC+ and now they put all three names together=Channel Seeds. 

Our family has had friends in the company for years and years and years and years,  dating back to the good ole days.  We also drive a fancy semi they call a mobile classroom for them to farm shows, field days and other ag events in our non-farming seasons.  So, because of all of these friendships over the years, they asked us if they could borrow the face of my handsome hubby and his brother to shoot some ads.  We of course said “you bet!”  because we just like to try new stuff like that!

photo 3

So when my third child was 7 days old, and it was 108 degrees out here on the prairie, out comes a slew of photographers, ad people, wardrobe gals and caterers to our farm for 2 days.  Did you hear me say I had a 7 day old child?  However, if you know me much, I don’t want to miss out, so BRING EM ON!  This was a blast. 

The other guys in the ad were seed salesmen and they even hired a guy, they called him “the talent.”  I think technically all 5 guys were “the talent.”  He was the just “the paid talent.”  We were totally doing it just for the pure fun of it! 

What a fun time “the paid talent” guy must have.  He gets called to do all kinds of commercial shoots and he’s a fireman by day.  (I think, if I remember right, but I’d just given birth to our third bundle of joy 7 days earlier and goofy things happen to you when right after you have babies.) His wife and kids did ads too.  They were just average nice looking people with a cool sideline job!

This is a  shot from inside of the magazine.  The guy in the “G” is my hubby in this one, and the guy in the “S” is my BIL.  Aren’t they naturals? 

photo 2  

Hey guys, keep looking like you are SOOOOOO interested in that seed guide!  Keep it up for like two straight days with a smile on your face and sweat running down the small of your back. You’re doing great!


It is fun to try new things and these guys were troopers.  What a great memory we have of this experience and now, quite often we get a seed guide  with our guys on it, or go to the farm show and there they are, hanging in a display.  This must be how Angelina Jolie feels to be married to Brad Pitt.  Wink wink. 


Have a great fall day!

Monica Signature

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